Wellcome to Michael Bittencourt Homepage

In this page you can check all Michael Bittencourt projects from github in a more clean way.

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Michael Bittencourt GitHub

Here you can find my most important projects. I actually use my github to add everything I work on. And this page can help you check out my work. I think you can really find good projects to learn, have fun and pass the time. Please check the content and send feedback. If you think, please contribute to improving the projects. Thank you and enjoy!

About Michael Bittencourt

I am a computer engineer that love sciency, tecnology, philosophy, matematics, music and any type of knowledgment. In my formal job I am a software engineer, and I work every day with new tecnologies, linux, terminal, etc. I love a command line. I Love work with vim to write code and shell script to automate my work day and interact with the computer.

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CESAR School Tutoring